Why Software Development? -my story

The journey of life is never smooth, at least not for me. I have spent the last seven years doing kinds of stuff related to electrical engineering, teaching, and mentoring. I am currently on the path of being a developer.

How to do what you love is complicated and every work comes with its struggle whether you love the work or not.

I never pictured myself as a software developer, the picture was more like becoming an electrical engineer, working for a big construction company, and handling their electrical department to build projects related to the electrical field.

After graduating from the department of electrical and electronics engineering, I realized I have not been taught the relevant knowledge needed to achieve my dreams. I have spent more time building my grades rather than learning and improving my skills.

Of course, the whole 5–6 years were not wasted. I was able to meet good and nice people from different backgrounds of knowledge. I learned how to relate with people through different communities I joined in school. And the best was, I joined the Google developer student club during my finals, and I was introduced to software development, Front-end development. The club’s leader is a close friend and very passionate about helping the members grow.

Software development is blessed with a community of good people around the world willing to share beneficial knowledge. You get to work on projects that connect people and solve major problems, working hours are flexible with cool career options.

I like the fact that it can be self-taught and with consistent effort and good mentors, you can improve your skills in no time.

Of course, there are challenges too. Especially if you are in a country with inadequate power supply, poor internet connection, or if you are not financially buoyant and have to work to make ends meet.

Once you have decided to be a software developer, give your best efforts and be consistent. The only regret you will probably have is you should have started sooner.